So, Does This Mean Common's Performing at an Inaugural Ball?


In an effort to glean whatever information we can about our new president, some of us, (cough, cough New York Magazine) have taken to scrutinizing the HNIC's choice of gym clothes, electronics, date spots, etc.

I mean, we know he's dorky and a little cheap, and he's trading the hybrid Escape for a motorcade and a limo with windows five inches thick. He used to decline chauffeur service while serving in the Senate, choosing to drive himself.

That's all well and good. (Although I don't care if he rides in one; you will never catch me turning over my hard-earned money for an American-made car.)

But now we've discovered that HNIC listens to a Zune.

This is not exactly the arugula of MP3 players, Mr. President. What gives?

Evidently the Zune was a stand-in, and an Obama spokeswoman told MSNBC that President Homeslice uses an Ipod like all normal people.

Via Daily Intel


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