You Know It's Hard Out Here For a Blogger


Ok, so we know you read.

We know you come to our site, and your eyeballs be lurking around, reading our stuff.

We know you do.

We have the hit counts to prove it.

But ya'll are some no-comment leaving mofos if there ever were any. And we'd like to change that.

Because we don't want to think we're just out here, noticing random things on the Internet and talking to ourselves.

They have facilities for that, and frankly, we don't want to end up there.

So please, tell us what you'd like to see, what needs to go, to make your experience with us that much more Awesome and Fabulous. Oh, and keep in mind that we have day jobs with not-so-friendly on-the-job blogging policies. So be patient with us.

By the way, we're going to start giving away useless (or not so useless) free shit to the best commenter.


Just something to keep in mind.


PopCultman said...

Just stopping by to show your blog some love.

SNM said...

Prizes include but are not limited to books, makeup, and whoopee cushions.

Veronica Marché said...

And birds.

Exotic birds.

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