Just So You Know, I Get the House


Neither Veronica nor I are married, and only one of us wants to get to that vaunted state at some point in our lives.

Well, considering that 50 percent of American marriages end in divorce, it was only a matter of time before someone came up with this nifty device, so at least you can get your affairs in order and assets hidden before the (halfway) inevitable occurs.

It amazes me how simple this calculator is. There are only five questions, and none of them are, "Have you ever cheated on your spouse?"

Maybe someone should show this to those uber-annoying Eharmony commercial couples.

So pony up. What're the odds you'll get divorced?

And just in case you were wondering, I ran the data on Michelle and Barack.

I think Malia and Sasha are good.

People with similar backgrounds who are already divorced: 15%
People with similar backgrounds who will be divorced over the next five years: 3%

* In general for the five-year divorce prediction rates, those with less than 3 percent are at lower risk, 3 - 7 percent are of average risk and more than 7 percent are at higher risk.

Via Freakonomics.


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