Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thang, Bab--- Shit.


Barack is 'bout to be president, and the hustlers are out in full effect. And when I say hustlers, I'm speaking of those folks who collect dollar coins, dip them in the magic Barack potion and sell 'em on T.V. for the price of a KFC family meal.

From Politico:

Now, the real U.S. Mint has issued an advisory about the coins, warning consumers that the coins aren't official government tender, but merely plastic coating on real dollar coins.

Dang. So these cats are basically selling us chocolate coins. Only they're not chocolate, they're actual regular-ol' coins. The only thing chocolate is the guy in the picture.

Say the U.S. Mint:

These items are not official United States Mint products. Furthermore, these products, businesses, and advertisements are not approved, endorsed, sponsored, or authorized by the United States Mint, the Department of the Treasury, or the United States Government.... The United States Mint does not encourage, endorse, or sponsor products that alter the fundamental images depicted on its coins.

Sorry, folks. Susan B. stays.


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